Jann Freed, PhD
Leadership and Legacy Coach
“What if the rest of your life was the best of your life?”
Jann E. Freed, PhD, is an author, speaker, and thought leader devoted to taking leaders to the next level. Her extensive work on leadership includes TEDx Talks, books, a column in Training Magazine, and her monthly podcast series, Becoming a Sage.
Jann is a Professor of Business Management Emerita and the former Mark and Kay De Cook Endowed Chair in Leadership and Character Development at Central College, Pella, Iowa.
Community leadership is one of Jann’s priorities. She is a Director for the Bank Iowa Board and has served on several community organizations: Planning and Zoning Commission for the city of Des Moines, Mind & Spirit Counseling Center, Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundation, Eat Greater Des Moines, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa, Central Presbyterian Church, Women United of United Way of Iowa, and Nexus Executive Women’s Alliance. A passion of Jann’s is raising money for worthy causes in which she believes and supports.
Speaking and Workshops
From Making a Living to
Making a Life
Target Audience: Employees in their 50s and older
Are you living a fulfilled life or are you filling your life with busyness?
Research advocates how “making a life” is based on inner work that emphasizes purpose, relationships, and overall well-being. Making a life after work takes time and intentional thought in order to make wise and fulfilling decisions.
As a result of this presentation or workshop, employees will be able to:
- Conduct a “Purpose Checkup”
- Understand the value of purpose and meaning for living a healthy life
- Learn the value of Breadcrumb Legacy
- Includes: Breadcrumb Legacy: How Great Leaders Live a Life Worth Remembering by Jann Freed
Create a Vision for Your Life
Target Audience: Employees of all ages
Do you have a vision for life beyond work?
It is hard to get excited about a “vacation,” if you don’t know where you are going. We are living in unnavigated territory with bonus years being added to our lives between 55-75. How do you want to lead your career and live your life? Without a plan, it is hard to allocate your precious resources.
As a result of this presentation or workshop, employees will be able to:
- Realize the exciting options available for this phase of life
- Create a life vision to guide the allocation of resources
- Understand legacy thinking as forward thinking
- Draft a Breadcrumb Legacy statement
- Includes: Breadcrumb Legacy: How Great Leaders Live a Life Worth Remembering by Jann Freed
Taking Care of Career Well-being
How well are you integrating work and life?
Target Audience: Employees 25-40
Life balance is an illusion, but life integration is a reality. In this 24/7 connected world, it is important for employees to design their lives for a healthy career well-being. This involves exploring aspects of wellness: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental.
As a result of this presentation or workshop, employees will be able to:
- Learn the components of career well-being
- Differentiate between goals and dreams
- Complete a life design assessment
- Identify their WHY statement
- Includes: Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans
Why Do Some Good Leaders Go Bad?
Target Audience: Leaders of all ages
Have you ever worked for a bad leader?
Leaders are people who have influence over the lives of others (i.e. bosses, coaches, pastors, parents) and that influence can be positive or negative. Most people don’t wake up in the morning and say: “Today I am going to be a bad leader.” If you have ever been under the influence of a bad leader, this presentation is for you.
As a result of this presentation, leaders will:
- Learn why your ego is not your amigo
- Realize the flip side of success
- Learn how to control the ego and not let it control
- Discover why soul is the real goal
- Includes: Breadcrumb Legacy: How Great Leaders Live a Life Worth Remembering by Jann Freed
Clients Include…

Wow! I’ve heard leadership presenters before, but Jann is the first one who made me think and actually plan to put into motion her ideas and message. I highly recommend her to motivate your current and future leaders. Jann’s upbeat and charismatic style kept everyone engaged.
-Jim Engle
Iowa Economic Development Authority

Dr. Freed did an excellent job presenting at our AARP volunteer recognition ceremony on ‘Why Purpose is Powerful.’ Her presentation was insightful, and she wove in personal anecdotes making it entertaining as well. I would recommend Dr. Feed to anyone looking to inspire a group and help them identify their purpose at any stage in life.
-Brad Anderson
AARP Iowa State Director

Jann Freed is an unusually talented woman – she has strengths in so many areas. Her long teaching career enables her to be a captivating speaker who keeps the attention of her audiences. Her greatest strength may be her deep thoughts on learning, leading, and sage-ing on which she has authored books.
-Connie Wimer
Founder and Chairman of Business Publications Incorporated
“ The most important person to lead is yourself. “
Legacy In Action